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Preventing Child Sexual Abuse


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CHOICE to contact St ROB for direction and support with finding a suitable psychologist.

St ROB’s Privacy Statement:

Our organisation understands that you may have some disturbing thoughts. We wish you to be anonymous throughout our discussions and aim to provide you with all the necessary help so you can manage your behaviour and not commit any offences.

CHOICE to complete an online program called ‘Troubled Desire’ provided through the Dunkelfeld Project.(Germany based program) This program is extremely helpful particularly if you are unable to contact someone for assistance.

Troubled Desire is an internet-based self-management tool for people who feel attracted to children and early adolescents. When appropriate and possible, contact with a therapist may be arranged. The goal is ultimately to prevent child sexual abuse and the use of child abuse images and to alleviate the distress experienced by those with paedophilic inclinations. This management tool uses Germany based servers and is confidential and non-reporting.

Klaus M. Beier, MD, PhD

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse – The Global Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (Germany) (click link)

  • CHOICE of reading a book written to help you;​

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse (Link to book)

Contributors Author/Publisher: Mercurio Cicchini B.A. (Hons), Grad. Dip. Psych. (Counselling), M.Psych (Clinical) Unit 5B, 2977 Albany Highway Kelmscott West Australia 6111

  • CHOICE of using ‘Stop It Now’

An experienced resource centre based in the USA, UK, and Ireland, created to prevent the sexual abuse of children.

Stop It Now (Click link)

  • CHOICE of contacting professional, experienced, and empathic counselors that understand how you are feeling.

Western Australia

Ms. Christabel Chamarette, Clinical Psychologist

Safecare Inc.

Ms. Christabel Chamarette,
Clinical Psychologist
PO Box 1290 Fremantle 6959
Ph/Fax (08) 9430 6168
Mob: 0431 925 860
Rooms: 3/195 High St, Fremantle

Ms. Chamarette has over 40 years of experience in dealing with Offenders and Families of Sexual Abuse.

List of Perth Psychologist’s experienced in the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (Click link)


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